
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Personal experience/Promotion

Personal Experience 

I will share my personal experience from practicing Bikram yoga in hopes that you will want to try it out!

I cannot picture my life today with out practicing Bikram yoga at least five times a week. Bikram yoga has increased my energy levels and has helped me get a normal sleep schedule.  Flexibility and strength has increased significantly and my skin has gotten clearer. All this is because of Bikram yoga. What drives my interest in this Bikram yoga is that overall my body is so much healthier and I have never felt better. There are so many benefits from practicing Bikram yoga. I struggled with Bikram yoga at first because I have never liked any other types of yoga. Also, getting used to the heated room was extremely difficult too do, but all that I had to was to keep going back and soon enough I overcame that struggle. 

Stories and Video

My roommate has been practicing Bikram yoga along with me and I have a testimonial from her:

"My whole life I had been struggling with scoliosis in my lower spine. It was just a slight curve but as a child it kept me out of some sports and caused me some pain. Nothing awful, but definitely a distraction in my life! Also, throughout my life I have always wanted to be a runner. Running was the hardest thing I had every done but it just made me want to do it more and more. It then became my favorite form of exercise. 

Beginning of Summer 2014 I decided I was going to run in the Newport Half Marathon in October 2014. I figured if I signed up, and spent the money, there was no way I would not do it. Well, by August 2014 I was heading back to RI to start my junior year of college with my average mile speed about 11:30 per mile for long distance runs. As school started and it began to get colder I had to find alternative forms of exercise. When I was home over the summer my best friend made me do a Bikram yoga class at her studio. My first thoughts were, eh I sweat a lot but I will just stick to my runs. 

As I kept running and my times were not improving I decided I needed to try something else. I remembered the Bikram yoga class and started looking for studios near school. After just 3 classes at East Bay I noticed an incredible amount of relief in my back. I was so used to the back pain I just sort of forced it to the back of my mind and never really noticed the pain. I felt so good after going to multiple classes. I noticed that in my runs my posture was way better, my knees felt better, and most importantly my breathing during runs was the biggest difference, that I noticed at first. 

So, October was coming and I was getting nervous. I was absolutely sure that Bikram had been helping me in the process but I was not sure how much. Then came race day. I was so anxious but to my surprise the run went amazing. I never had to even slow my pace once, the breathing was easy, my knees were fine, and my back did not cramp at all. I finished the race with 9:50 per mile on average. This was a huge improvement! I knew I had Bikram to thank for this! Along with the incredible teachers at East Bay. As the seasons are changing I have cut down on the runs and started doing Bikram whenever I possibly can. I think it is safe to say that I have a new favorite form of staying healthy! Aside from the running improvements I can also say that I have seen improvement in my skin, it looks healthier then ever. I find that my body feels healthier all the time. I take my diet cheat days very seriously and after a day of pigging out I still find that I feel good about myself! One more thing, this is by far my best semester, grade wise, that I have had in college. It is also the only semester that I have done Bikram. Coincidence? You tell me. (: I am moving back to NH in the middle of December but this is my favorite studio and I will miss it, and the instructors so much and I will be sure to visit whenever possible."

Here is a video that sums up what Bikram yoga is all about in just five minutes!

Breathe Mats

Breathe Mats

This product retails at $60 and $70 if you want the long mat. This mat was specifically designed for Bikram yoga and it is basically a yoga mat and towel combined. The mat will help prevent you from slipping while practicing the different yoga postures. This mat is waterproof as well as sweat-proof and this mat is also machine washable and dryer safe. The breathe mats have used the combination of convenience and functionality.

            There is also a built in rabbit flap for the posture “Sasangasana” to help with the grip for this specific posture. The stitched grid on the mat helps with the precise foot alignment. The specific mat is designed to grip the floor so you don’t have to worry about your yoga mat slipping while you are trying to focus on a posture. This product complements Bikram yoga because have a mat designed just for this specific type of yoga may interest people in starting to practice Bikram yoga.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Posture Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Posture Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga consists of 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Each posture in Bikram Yoga has different benefits. I will share a few of the postures and what their benefits are.

Half Moon Pose (Ardha-Chandrasana):
  • Helps to lower back pain
  • Works deltoids, trapezius, pectoralis major, and hanstrings
  • Exercises the colon, pancreas and kidney

Awkward Pose (Utkatasana):
  • Helps to open pelvic area
  • Relieves joint pain and arthritis of the knees
  • Strengthen lower limbs
  • Improves flexibility in toes and ankles
  • Work quadriceps and deltoids

Standing Bow Pose (Dandayamana-Dhanurasana):
  • Increases circulation to the heart and the lungs
  • Improves elasticity of the spine
  • Helps with lower back pain
  • Open diaphram and lungs

Triangle Pose (Trikanasana):
  • Good for the kidneys
  • Helps chemical imbalances in the body
  • Works circulatory, digestive, immune, and reproductive system

The Cobra Series (Cobra, Locust, Full-Locust, and Bow):
  • Works to compress and open up the spine
  • Each posture works a different section of the spine
  • Helps lower back pain

Camel Pose (Ustrasana):
  • Strengthens muscles in the back and shoulders
  • Produces maximum compression of the spine, which then stimulates the nervous system
  • Improves flexibility in the neck and spine
  • Relieves backache

Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana):
  • Stretches spine, opposite of camel
  • Helps maintain mobility and elasticity of spine and back muscles
  • Help diabetes
  • Helps with cold, sinus problems, sore throats, and strep throat

Health Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Health Benefits of Bikram Yoga

There are many different health benefits for practicing Bikram yoga. One of the biggest benefits is detoxification. The heavy sweating from practicing Bikram yoga is said to help flush out the toxins from your body. The classes begin and end with a breathing exercise that is designed to help flush the body of impurities and fill the lungs and muscles with fresh oxygen.

Bikram yoga provides many full-body benefits such as:

  • The tourniquet effect, which is how the stretching, balancing, and pressure application flushes the circulatory system and helps rid the blood of toxins.
  • Weight loss due to improved metabolism and digestive functioning
  • Increased joint mobility an range of motion
  • Compression, extension, and flushing of the spleen, intestines, lungs, and endocrine glands
There are also different mental health benefits such as:

  • Improvement in sleeping habits
  • Increased energy
  • Brings out a more elevated, stable mood
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Improve symptoms of depression